Blulu 9 Feet Hibiscus Orange String with Colorful Faux Flowers Hula Grass Table Skirt for Party Decoration, Events, Birthdays, Celebration

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Blulu 9 Feet Hibiscus Orange String with Colorful Faux Flowers Hula Grass Table Skirt for Party Decoration, Events, Birthdays, Celebration is one of best product for lifetime childrens picnic table.This Blulu 9 Feet Hibiscus Orange String with Colorful Faux Flowers Hula Grass Table Skirt for Party Decoration, Events, Birthdays, Celebration can be your chooice for best lifetime childrens picnic table.For more detailed you can read about Blulu 9 Feet Hibiscus Orange String with Colorful Faux Flowers Hula Grass Table Skirt for Party Decoration, Events, Birthdays, Celebration in description below to know if this Blulu 9 Feet Hibiscus Orange String with Colorful Faux Flowers Hula Grass Table Skirt for Party Decoration, Events, Birthdays, Celebration are supposed with you or not.Or you can find another best product for lifetime childrens picnic table if you doesn't like this.We have alot product review for lifetime childrens picnic table that you can read in this blog.

Durable material:
The table skirt is made of polyester synthetic grass with good quality, it is durable and have a long lifetime.

Suitable table size:
The both ends of the skirt have the adhesive area, the size of the table skirt is 276 x 75 cm/ 108.7 x 29.5 inches, you can apply them for those tables in about this size.

Faux flowers:
This luau table skirt has a row of colorful faux flowers, purple, red, orange, green, blue and yellow, good decoration for your tables, increasing special atmosphere for your parties.

Wide usage:
The table skirt fits for all kinds of parties and events such as tropical parties, beach parties, Hawaiian parties, luau parties, birthday parties, picnics, gatherings, barbecues, outdoor parties, dinners, reunions, etc.

Please keep them away from fire and do not pull the strings or these flowers with too much pressure or they will be broken.

Product descriptions:
Material: polyester string and cloth flower
Weight: 11.3 ounces / 320 g
String color: orange
Flower color: multicolor
Product size: 276 x 75 cm/ 108.7 x 29.5 inches (LH)

Package includes:
1 x Grass table skirt

  • Material: orange silk is made of polyester synthetic grass and faux flowers are made of double layer cloth with good quality, they are durable and have a long lifetime
  • Size: the size of the table skirt is 276 x 75 cm/ 108.7 x 29.5 inches, the both ends have the adhesive area, you can apply them for round or quadrate tables
  • Good decoration: this luau table skirt has a row of colorful faux flowers, purple, red, orange, green, blue and yellow, good decoration for your tables
  • Application: the table skirt fits for many occasions, such as all kinds of parties, picnics, gatherings, barbecues, outdoor parties, dinners, reunions, etc.
  • Warm notice: please keep them away from fire, and do not pull the strings or these flowers with too much pressure or they will be broken

Well there is some review about Blulu 9 Feet Hibiscus Orange String with Colorful Faux Flowers Hula Grass Table Skirt for Party Decoration, Events, Birthdays, Celebration one of best product for lifetime childrens picnic table.Thank you for reading this review about Blulu 9 Feet Hibiscus Orange String with Colorful Faux Flowers Hula Grass Table Skirt for Party Decoration, Events, Birthdays, Celebration.if you think this Blulu 9 Feet Hibiscus Orange String with Colorful Faux Flowers Hula Grass Table Skirt for Party Decoration, Events, Birthdays, Celebration suitable for you,you can give some share to growup this site,Other wish,you can try looking for another product for lifetime childrens picnic table in this blog.I hope this review can helping you to get best product for lifetime childrens picnic table

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