Sol Coastal Beach Umbrella Table with 4 Cup Holders

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picnic table umbrella

Sol Coastal Beach Umbrella Table with 4 Cup Holders is one of best product for picnic table umbrella.This Sol Coastal Beach Umbrella Table with 4 Cup Holders can be your chooice for best picnic table umbrella.For more detailed you can read about Sol Coastal Beach Umbrella Table with 4 Cup Holders in description below to know if this Sol Coastal Beach Umbrella Table with 4 Cup Holders are supposed with you or not.Or you can find another best product for picnic table umbrella if you doesn't like this.We have alot product review for picnic table umbrella that you can read in this blog.

Keep your drinks, snacks, and valuables up and out of the sand with this ingenious, umbrella-mounted table from Sol Coastal. Just slide the table to your desired height, tighten the cuff, and plant your umbrella. Voila, instant storage space for all the little things that make your trip to the beach that much sweeter. This spacious table measures 17" x 17" and fits most umbrella poles up to 1.5" wide--no tools required.

  • Crazy-convenient table that installs right onto your umbrella pole
  • Spacious 17" x 17" surface for drinks, snacks, and valuables
  • Secures to a wide variety of umbrella poles up to 1.5" without tools
  • Features four 4" extra-wide cup holders and 4 trays molded right into the table
  • Made of tough, hardy ABS plastic

Well there is some review about Sol Coastal Beach Umbrella Table with 4 Cup Holders one of best product for picnic table umbrella.Thank you for reading this review about Sol Coastal Beach Umbrella Table with 4 Cup Holders.if you think this Sol Coastal Beach Umbrella Table with 4 Cup Holders suitable for you,you can give some share to growup this site,Other wish,you can try looking for another product for picnic table umbrella in this blog.I hope this review can helping you to get best product for picnic table umbrella

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