Outdoor Commercial Grade 6' Folding Picnic Table ~ Wood Grain Grey Color

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Outdoor Commercial Grade 6' Folding Picnic Table ~ Wood Grain Grey Color is one of best product for picnic table with umbrella.This Outdoor Commercial Grade 6' Folding Picnic Table ~ Wood Grain Grey Color can be your chooice for best picnic table with umbrella.For more detailed you can read about Outdoor Commercial Grade 6' Folding Picnic Table ~ Wood Grain Grey Color in description below to know if this Outdoor Commercial Grade 6' Folding Picnic Table ~ Wood Grain Grey Color are supposed with you or not.Or you can find another best product for picnic table with umbrella if you doesn't like this.We have alot product review for picnic table with umbrella that you can read in this blog.

Your Lifetime 6' Folding Picnic Table featuring Wood Grained Grey Color Tabletop will look great in any backyard, and is commercial grade quality for any business application. Table will comfortably seat six to eight people and you'll appreciate the fact that Lifetime folding picnic tables are resistant to water and stains, easy-to-clean and fold flat for portability and storage. Designed with smooth, rounded edges for comfortable handling when carrying. No more cuts, scratches, or painful grooves in your hands. Table surface allows for smooth handwriting as well. Also designed with safety gravity rings to prevent legs from collapsing after set up even if they're not fully deployed. Due to Lifetime's patented high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic with a honeycombed tack-off design for extra rigidity and powder-coated steel frame, Lifetime folding picnic tables are weather resistant to chipping, cracking, and rusting (powder-coated steel frame). An investment in a Lifetime folding picnic table is an investment in years of comfortable accommodations for outdoor dining fun. Features an umbrella hole that will accept umbrella poles up to 1.8" in diameter and cap for when not in use with an umbrella. Made in the USA from US and imported parts. Minor assembly required.

  • Your Lifetime 6' Folding Picnic Table featuring Wood Grained Grey Color Tabletop will look great in any backyard, and is commercial grade quality for any business application. Table will comfortably seat six to eight people and you'll appreciate the fact that Lifetime folding picnic tables are resistant to water and stains, easy-to-clean and fold flat for portability and storage.
  • Designed with smooth, rounded edges for comfortable handling when carrying. No more cuts, scratches, or painful grooves in your hands. Table surface allows for smooth handwriting as well. Also designed with safety gravity rings to prevent legs from collapsing after set up even if they're not fully deployed.
  • Due to Lifetime's patented high-density polyethylene (HDPE) plastic with a honeycombed tack-off design for extra rigidity and powder-coated steel frame, Lifetime folding picnic tables are weather resistant to chipping, cracking, and rusting (powder-coated steel frame).
  • An investment in a Lifetime folding picnic table is an investment in years of comfortable accommodations for outdoor dining fun. Features an umbrella hole that will accept umbrella poles up to 1.8" in diameter and cap for when not in use with an umbrella. Made in the USA from US and imported parts. Minor assembly required.
  • Set-up Dimensions: 72" L x 30" (tabletop) x 29" H ... Folded: 72" L x 57" W x 3.8" H

Well there is some review about Outdoor Commercial Grade 6' Folding Picnic Table ~ Wood Grain Grey Color one of best product for picnic table with umbrella.Thank you for reading this review about Outdoor Commercial Grade 6' Folding Picnic Table ~ Wood Grain Grey Color.if you think this Outdoor Commercial Grade 6' Folding Picnic Table ~ Wood Grain Grey Color suitable for you,you can give some share to growup this site,Other wish,you can try looking for another product for picnic table with umbrella in this blog.I hope this review can helping you to get best product for picnic table with umbrella

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