Abba Patio 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Market Umbrella with Push Button Tilt/Crank (Red)

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Abba Patio 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Market Umbrella with Push Button Tilt/Crank (Red) is one of best product for picnic table umbrella.This Abba Patio 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Market Umbrella with Push Button Tilt/Crank (Red) can be your chooice for best picnic table umbrella.For more detailed you can read about Abba Patio 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Market Umbrella with Push Button Tilt/Crank (Red) in description below to know if this Abba Patio 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Market Umbrella with Push Button Tilt/Crank (Red) are supposed with you or not.Or you can find another best product for picnic table umbrella if you doesn't like this.We have alot product review for picnic table umbrella that you can read in this blog.

Abba Patio 9 Feet Tilting Market Patio Umbrellas

Here comes the sun! Control the exposure to the sun by installing your outdoor furniture with an Abba Patio market umbrella. With the tilt and crank, this easy-to-use umbrella sets up and opens quickly. 8 flexible steel ribs support the canopy, so the fabric won't collapse on windy days. This durable umbrella with tilt can be used either through a table freestanding and supplies enough coverage to shade 42" to 54" tables.

- Umbrella Type: Market umbrella, w/ tilt and crank, w/o base
- Overall Height: 8.2 feet
- Canopy Shape: Round
- Canopy Diameter: 9 feet - Shade your 42" to 54" round, square or rectangle table with 4 to 6 chairs
- Fabric Type: 100% polyester
- Colorfastness to light: Fade-resistant. EU Standard Grade 4 min. at 1000 hours
- Pole Material: Aluminum, rust-free powder coated in antique bronze color finish
- Pole Diameter: 1.50 inch (38 mm)
- Frame: Rust-free powder coated
- Ribs: Steel 8 ribs, 0.55W*0.79L inch
- Opening Mechanism: Tilt and Crank
- Air vent: Yes. It provides basic wind and heat venting.
- Commercial/Residential: Both

About Abba Patio
Abba Patio, a top designer and manufacturer of high quality gardening products, from patio Umbrellas, Canopies, Awnings to Garden Furniture sets.
Each piece is sleekly designed, rigorously tested for durability, and assembly instructions have been standardized for simplicity from start to finish. This classic style and reliable craftsmanship will weather ever-changing trends and regular use for years to come. Due to take in sunlight and the monitor, pictures may have a slight chromatism problem. This is inevitable.

  • Crank open system, easy to open and close, and easy tilt
  • 8 steel ribs for extra strength and aluminum center pole. Includes single wind vent for stability. Without base
  • Solution dyed polyester with color fastness last for 1000 hours. Powder Coated Frame
  • Ideal for both residential and commercial locations. 9 feet - Shade your 42" to 54" round, square or rectangle table with 4 to 6 chairs
  • Vented canopy for air flow; Search B00SUU7V1I, B00SUUCE3S or B01DLGTFBO to get the matched umbrella base

Well there is some review about Abba Patio 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Market Umbrella with Push Button Tilt/Crank (Red) one of best product for picnic table umbrella.Thank you for reading this review about Abba Patio 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Market Umbrella with Push Button Tilt/Crank (Red).if you think this Abba Patio 9' Patio Umbrella Outdoor Table Market Umbrella with Push Button Tilt/Crank (Red) suitable for you,you can give some share to growup this site,Other wish,you can try looking for another product for picnic table umbrella in this blog.I hope this review can helping you to get best product for picnic table umbrella

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